Journey Inward

Is there anything that has more potential than a blank page? It can become a love letter, an essay, or a piece of art. It can be a space for self-reflection, a to-do list, a script, a doodle, or a song. So as we turn the page on this new year, I can't help but eagerly anticipate what's to come. It feels like a chance.

In yoga, there's a Sanskrit word for intention called Sankalpa. In the west, a teacher often calls for you to set a Sankalpa for your practice. Likewise, we have a habit of cultivating intentions for the year ahead in the form of resolutions. We resolve to put into practice changes that might bring us closer to our desires. There's a saying that "energy flows where intention goes."

Lately, I've been contemplating just where to set my Sankalpa. Of course, we can always climb to the top of a ladder, but it's only worth climbing if it is in the right place. A lot of external noise comes with the new year—promises of programs that can change your body, mind, and life. In this world, some predators prey on our hope that we might become someone new. This time will be different; we tell ourselves as we gaze at the unmarred page before us. We set out on our Hero's journey, the fool card of the tarot, oblivious of the inevitable peril that awaits us. Blissfully unaware that the reward lies in returning to where we started lessons in tow.

There's another Sanksrit word called Bhavana. It means cultivating or calling into existence. It describes a felt sense of awareness. Developing a connection to our Bhavana involves turning inward and connecting to the deepest part of ourselves. It requires us to connect with something more profound than what we can comprehend with the analytical mind. For example, we think we want a specific career, a "perfect" body, and a love interest when, in fact, we want joy, connection, and love.

The answer does not lie in a bottle, in a subscription, or even in a book. The call is coming from inside the house. Will you answer it? This year can you turn your gaze inward toward the deepest part of yourself where everything you've ever wanted already exists? Can you tune out the noise so that you can hear it? This year I invite you to join me on a journey of inquiry. No one has all the answers. I won't pretend to, but we can ask the questions together. We can cultivate the feelings we long to feel. The stuff that comes along will be the icing on the proverbial cake. This year may you be your intention. What you are seeking, you already are.
